I not only am feeling better from my sinus infection but I'm better at least this week in posting a blog. This is the second one this week I do believe. I'm on a roll, especially considering there isn't much of anything at all to report.
Work, is still just that. We did meet the new CEO yesterday, he's in the process of moving here to Michigan from Germany. I hope they get this plant up and running at a better speed than what we have been. I hear we are suppose to increase our product dramatically by December so I suppose there is hope yet.
On the homefront. Jonathan has gone over to my dad's the past two days to help him with stacking the wood. LB took the wood splitter over for him to use and I think it is a big time saver for him.
LB went to the doctor today, he thought he had a bladder infection so he got some meds to clear that up.
Jonathan stayed home today, sure he is enjoying his break from the woodpile.
That is about it in a nutshell.